1. Wind Determination Phase. Roll 2 dice on the Wind Table.
  2. Squadron Determination. Players determine how many/which ships are in each Squadron. Ships within the command ship range are part of that squadron. If qualifying for multiple squadrons, player chooses. Ships not qualifying at all are Individual Squadrons. [6.1]
  3. Initiative Phase. The players each roll one die and add the Admiral's Initiative rating. High roller chooses which player goes first in the following phases. Roll again for ties.
  4. Level Determination Phase: Players determine whether to use Cruise or Maximum Speed for each ship. Players do this in alternating order, squadron by squadron. [6.22]
  5. Command Squadron Activation Phase: The player whose “turn” it is selects a Command Squadron. In doing so, he activates each ship in that squadron. Admirals can try to activate 2 squadrons, his own and one within his range. See Double Activation table. If it fails, non-Admiral squadron only goes and Admiral goes later (without confusion). Activated ships may undertake the following (possible) actions: [6.18]
    1. Movement Segment. The first player moves all the ships from any one squadron. Each ship's activities include:
    2. Boarding Segment. After all ships of a squadron have moved, the player resolves Boarding attempts on grappled ships by rolling 2 dice on the Boarding Table. Requires at least an M1 Manpower rating. Add up multiple ships boarding one ship before rolling. A ship which is grappled to multiple ships may try to board more than one by splitting up its manpower. (Captured ships have Crew and Manpower of 0, may only use Cruise Speed and sailing vessels only go one-half the wind speed.)
    3. Phase-Pass Segment. When that player is finished, play passes to his opponent, who repeats 1-3. If his opponent has no moveable squadrons, the phasing player retains the Squadron Phase with his next, unused squadron.
    4. End Segment. When all squadrons have gone, go to "F".
    5. Individual Squadron Activation Phase. When all Command Squadrons have gone, each player activates one Individual Squadron (IS) at a time, alternating IS, starting with the player who went first in "E". If ship adjacent to enemy or dr <= crew rating, ship can act freely, otherwise, goes to cruise side and may not move adjacent to enemy. [6.16]
      1. Movement Segment. See Movement Segment page.
      2. Determine possible Fatigue.
      3. Boarding Segment.
      4. Phase-Pass Segment.
      5. End Segment. When all squadrons have gone, go to "G".
      6. The Status Resolution Phase.
        1. Disengage Segment. Players may attempt to disengage any ships that are "Fouled" by rolling on the Disengage Table. Fouled ships cannot move. [8.35]
        2. Ship Recovery Segment.
          • Attempt to put out any Fires on ships by rolling against the Firefight Table. [8.54]
          • Check to see if Fire spreads to grappled/fouled ships. Roll a die. Add 1 if the ship has sails, either naturally or Sails Up. On 5-6, ship has caught fire. [8.55]
          • Remove "Masts Down" from all ships.
        3. Fatigue Recovery Segment. Reduce all F counters by 1.
        4. Sinking Segment. Check to see if Rammed vessels have sunk. Roll 1 die. On a 6, it sinks, taking with it any ships which are fouled or grappled with it. [7.17]
      7. Victory Phase. Players check to see if anyone has won. Points:
        • Enemy ships rammed or run aground are worth the Ram Defense
        • Enemy ships captured are worth the Ram Defense + 1 (lost if recaptured)

      Wed Sep 1 23:47:03 PDT 1999
      Please forward any comments and additions to this WWW-page to Rick Heli