Spotlight on Games > War Games > Summaries
Summary of the rules for the board game by SPI
Fri Jan 22 12:39:21 PST 1999

Sequence of Play
Imperialist rolls die for visibility
First Player Turn
    A. Disruption Removal
    B. Artillery Fire
    C. Movement
    D. Combat
Second Player Turn

die roll: 1-2 clear, 3-4 moderate, 5 restricted, 6 same as previous
(game turn zero is moderate)
Moderate: movement allowances halved (rounded up), undisrupt only on 6
Restricted: same as Moderate, plus, artillery only fires 1-2 hexes away and no cavalry charge unless at least adjacent to a leader

–immobile, capturable, not destroyable
–each artillery counter fires individually
–determine range and roll the die on Artillery Fire table
–blocking terrain for line of sight: woods, forest, town, hilltop, units
–blocking occurs if line from artillery to target hits such a hex
–if line runs along a hexside, only blocked if both hexes are blocking
–artillery on hilltops ignores blocking hexes closer than half the distance to the target
–artillery on hilltops can always fire at any hilltop unless there is a unit, artillery or forest in an intervening hilltop
–terrain in the firing and target hexes does not matter
–capture an artillery by moving through it – flip counter upside down

–no stacking
–Imperialist army may not move until at least 1 Imperialist is disrupted by enemy artillery or turn 4, whichever comes first
–Allied army may not move until at least 1 Imperialist moves within 3 hexes of any Allied unit, or turn 5, whichever comes first
–Saxons can exit the map after Saxon demoralization
–Swedish & Imperialist can exit after one force of the other demoralized
–If Imperialists demoralized, then either side can exit from 2300 hexrow for points
–If Swedish demoralized, then either side can exit from 0100 hexrow for points
–If both sides demoralized, then both can exit for no points

–active ZOCs: combat is mandatory
–you have to attack every unit which is in your ZOC
–multi-hex and multiple unit combat allowed
–not allowed to split a unit's strength
–artillery have no ZOC
–Swedish cavalry may charge: x2 strength when attacking disrupted infantry
–if any cavalry charge in an attack, all must charge
–charging cavalry are afterwards automatically disrupted

–disrupted units:
    –flipped over
    –reduced strength
    –may not attack
    –may only move 2 hexes
    –may not cross rivers or enter woods
    –lose their ZOC –leaders cannot try to undisrupt units in ZOC
–to undisrupt, roll a die: 5-6 success
–exactly 1 leadership value within 1 hex can be applied to undisruption roll
–leader can apply its value to all units within range

–leadership value can be added as combat strength both on offense and defense
–only 1 leadership value per unit per turn
–Swedish leaders have no effect on Saxon units

–armies have a demoralization level:
      Imperialist: 45 infantry combat strength points
          if not demoralized by end of Swedish turn 9, level increases to 55 points
          if not demoralized by end of Swedish turn 15, level increases to 65 points
          improves +5 on the turn after the Saxons are demoralized if Imperialists not already demoralized
      Swedish: 75 infantry combat strength points
      Saxon: 4 infantry combat strength points
        if not demoralized by end of Imperialist turn 7, level increases to 12 points (if Saxons demoralized, starting on the next turn any Saxons in enemy ZOC are eliminated)
–if reached:
    -units can no longer be undisrupted
    -healthy units can move 4 hexes regardless of terrain

VP Schedule (judged at game end):
Allied Player:
      –each enemy combat strength point destroyed: 1
      –each enemy leader value point destroyed: 3
      –capturing all Imperialist artillery: 15
      If Imperialists demoralized & Swedish not, each allied cavalry strength exited from 2300: 3
      If Swedish demoralized & Imperialists not, each allied cavalry strength exited from 0100: 1
Imperialist Player:
      –each enemy combat strength point destroyed: 1
      –each enemy leader value point destroyed: 4
      –eliminating Gustavus Adolphus: 10
      –capturing all Imperialist artillery: 15
      If Swedish demoralized & Imperialists not, each allied cavalry strength exited from 0100: 2
      If Imperialists demoralized & Swedish not, each allied cavalry strength exited from 2300: 1