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English Translation
6 April 2000

Cards Translation for the game by Editions TILSIT, 1999

Playable At Any Time:

Influence of Tlenamacac (Influence de Tlenamacac):

Play any time during the game. The magic of the high priest TLENAMACAC allows you to re-roll one die of your choice.

Sorcerer stratagem (Ruse de sorcier):

Play at any time during the game. Choose a player, look at his cards and discard a card of your choice. You can also play this card to cancel the effect of the card “Influence of Tlemanacac”.

Playable During Phase 2

Insubordination (Insoumission):

Choose a territory. This territory does not yield any tributes, nor sacrifices this turn. A capital can never be affected by the “Insubordination” card.

Tlaloc Intervention (Intervention de Tlaloc):

Tlaloc, god of corn, has heard your prayers. You benefit from an exceptional harvest. Roll the white die and receive immediately the equivalent number of tributes.

Playable During Phase 5

Submission of a city-state (Soumission d’une cite état):

You attempt to subdue a neutral territory of your choice to your authority. This territory must be located in the valley of Mexico. Roll a red die: the submission succeeds if you obtain a lance.

Anger of Yacatecuhtli (Fureur de Yacatecuhtli):

You can play this card only if at least one of your pochtecas was sent in expedition. The god of pochtecas is offended and makes the expedition of your choice fail. Remove an enemy pochteca before drawing expedition cards.

Assassination of a Pochteca (Assassinat d’un Pochteca):

You attempt to kill a pochteca in mission in the valley of Mexico or the neighboring valleys. Roll a red die: the assassination succeeds if you obtain a lance. You cannot attempt to assassinate a pochteca sent in expedition.

Playable During Phase 6

Chalchiuhtlicue Intervention (Intervention de Chalchiuhtlicue):

Play this card before the first round of a lake battle. The goddess of waters is favorable to you. Roll a yellow die: if you obtain a lance, you sink an enemy boat before the beginning of the battle.

Playable During Phases 6 or 7

Anger of Chalchiuhtlicue (Colère de Chalchiuhtlicue):

The goddess of waters is furious. She provokes a terrible storm on the lake. Choose a lake zone and roll a yellow die per boat present in this zone: whenever you obtain a lance, the boat is sunk.

Playable During Phase 7

Reinforcements (Arrivées de renforts):

Add 2 warriors in reinforcement in the neutral territory being attacked.

Ambush (Embuscade):

The army of your choice is ambushed by your warriors. Roll a yellow die and capture immediately an enemy warrior if you obtain a lance. The defender then loses a warrior of his choice. You can sacrifice the captured warrior.

Alliance (Alliance):

A neutral territory allows free passage of your armies. This card can be combined with the Tlacatecuhtli card.

Treason (Trahison):

False rumors provoke desertion of enemy armies. Play this card before the beginning of a battle. Roll a red die per warrior in the enemy army. Whenever it shows a lance, the warrior deserts. Troops that desert are removed from the board, they cannot be captured nor sacrificed. Continue the battle.

Great Strategist (grand Stratège):

Your generals have secretly prepared invasion plans. One of your armies can play again. It can move and attack again.

Diversion Maneuver (Manœuvre de Diversion):

Add an extra “army movement” counter of your color in the drawing pile.

Heroic Battle (Combat Heroïque):

Play this card at any time in a battle. The designated player can no longer retreat during the battle.

Raid (Raid):

Warriors start from a neutral territory and launch a raid by surprise on a territory of your choice. They move of as many territories as they want as long as these territories do not belong to any player and they can cross the lake freely. They cannot be intercepted by armies nor be captured. If the raid is victorious, the territory becomes neutral again. This raid is composed of 2 warriors and 1 Jaguar knight.

Trap (Pièges):

Your warriors have set a trap. Play this card before the beginning of a battle. Roll a yellow die and capture immediately an enemy warrior if you obtain a lance. The defender then loses a warrior of his choice and the battle continues normally. You can sacrifice this warrior whatever the result of the battle.

Marsh Reconnaissance (Reconnaissance des Marais):

Your scouts found a safe passage through the marshes. Your enemy does not benefit from a yellow defense die due to terrain.

Mountain Reconnaissance (Reconnaissance des Montagnes):

Your scouts found a col that is not watched. Your enemy does not benefit from a yellow defense die due to terrain.

Earthquake (Tremblement de Terre):

A territory of your choice undergoes a terrible earthquake. Place the Earthquake marker on this territory which can no longer be crossed. It will not yield any tributes, nor sacrifices on the next turn. Remove the Earthquake marker at the end of phase 2 of the next turn. A capital can never undergo an earthquake.

Flood (Innondation):

A territory of your choice undergoes a terrible flood. Place the Flood marker on this territory which can no longer be crossed. It will not yield any tributes, nor sacrifices on the next turn. Remove the Earthquake marker at the end of phase 2 of the next turn. A capital can never undergo a flood.

Reserve Troops (Troupe de réserve):

During a battle, you can bring in all or part of your reserve, either to attack or to defend, whether your reserve is connected to your army or not. Play this card before the beginning of the battle.

Tlacatecuhtli (Tlacatecuhtli):

One of your generals is promoted Tlacatecuhtli, Army Chief-Commander. You can play 2 armies if an army movement marker of your color is drawn.

Incarnation of Uitzilopochtli (Incarnation d’Uitzilopochtli) :

The god of war has noticed the bravery of one of your warriors. Transform one of your warriors to a Jaguar knight.

Playable During Phase 8

Offense to Tezcatlipoca (Offense à Tezcatlipoca):

Play this card before the beginning of the sacrifice ceremony to the god Quetzalcoatl. Choose one of the players. He immediately loses 3 sacrifice points.

Indiscretion of Quimichtin (Indiscrétion de Quimichtin):

Choose a player and look at the number of sacrifices that he offers to Quetzalcoatl this turn. You may not show this information to the other players, but you may freely announce whatever number you want.


(Alliance) Alliance: Phase 7
(Arrivées de renforts) Reinforcements: Phase 7
(Assassinat d’un Pochteca) Assassination of a Pochteca: Phase 5
(Colère de Chalchiuhtlicue) Anger of Chalchiuhtlicue: Phase 6 or 7
(Combat Heroïque) Heroic Battle: Phase 7
(Embuscade) Ambush: Phase 7
(Fureur de Yacatecuhtli) Anger of Yacatecuhtli: Phase 5
(Grand Stratège) Great Strategist: Phase 7
(Incarnation d’Uitzilopochtli) Incarnation of Uitzilopochtli: Phase 7
(Indiscrétion de Quimichtin) Indiscretion of Quimichtin: Phase 8
(Influence de Tlenamacac) Influence of Tlenamacac: Any Time
(Innondation) Flood: Phase 7
(Insoumission) Insubordination: Phase 2
(Intervention de Chalchiuhtlicue) Chalchiuhtlicue Intervention: Phase 6
(Intervention de Tlaloc) Tlaloc Intervention: Phase 2
(Manœuvre de Diversion) Diversion Maneuver: Phase 7
(Offense à Tezcatlipoca) Offense to Tezcatlipoca: Phase 8
(Pièges) Trap: Phase 7
(Raid) Raid: Phase 7
(Reconnaissance des Marais) Marsh Reconnaissance: Phase 7
(Reconnaissance des Montagnes) Mountain Reconnaissance: Phase 7
(Ruse de sorcier) Sorcerer stratagem: Any Time
(Soumission d’une cite état) Submission of a city-state: Phase 5
(Tlacatecuhtli) Tlacatecuhtli: Phase 7
(Trahison) Treason: Phase 7
(Tremblement de Terre) Earthquake: Phase 7
(Troupe de réserve) Reserve Troops: Phase 7

Translation by Didier Renard and Rick Heli
Copyright 2003 Richard M. Heli