Book of Medieval Wargames
designed by Nicholas Slope

Flowchart for Tourney Game Combat

 /                                                            \
 |                                                             |
 |	               START: Attacker                         |
 |		       declares position:                      |
 |		       High, Low or Disarm                     |
 |			    |                                  |
 |			    |                                  |
 |		       Is Defender Stunned?                    |
 |			  no        yes--------------------Roll Attack:
 |			  |                                2D + ST + OW
 |			  |				   +2 if Right Side
 |		       Which side is			   + no. of hexes in
 |		       being attacked?			   a straight line
 |	   ------------weapon       shield		   Result >= 15?
 |         |			      |			 yes          no
 |     Did defender                   |                  |             |
 |     choose parry?                  |                  |             |
 ------no   yes		     	  Defender in           Hit! Roll    Missed.
	    |			  same position?        on Hit
   ----------     ----------------no       yes          Result
   |    	  |                        |            Table.
   |    	  |                        |
Roll Attack:      Roll Attack:		Blocked.
2D + ST + OW	  2D + ST + OW
+2 if right side  +2 if right side
+no. of hexes in  +no. of hexes in
straight line	  straight line
-OW ability	  -shield ability
is result >= 15?  is result >= 15?
    |       no    no           yes         
    |        |    |            |
    |        Missed.           |
    |                       Hit! Roll on Hit
    |                       Result Table.
Did attacker
choose disarm?
no       yes-----------defender disarmed.
Are both in same
no       yes-----------defender disarmed.
No effect.

Last updated: Fri Jun 23 14:59:32 PDT 2000